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Louisville Switching Blog

Ask Chuck Blog Series: Can I Use Off-Road Diesel in My Ottawa?

Posted by Donald Robinson

Mar 12, 2014 5:49:00 PM

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The resident "answer man" at Louisville Switching receives numerous questions every day about the functioning and inner workings of Ottawa Yard Trucks. Since Louisville Switching is your source for all things Ottawa, we started a blog series entitled, "Ask Chuck," to help answer some of the most commonly asked Ottawa questions. If you missed our last Ask Chuck blog by our Louisville Switching Service Manager, you can read it here

This Week's Ottawa Yard Truck Question is:

Can I use off-road diesel in my Ottawa?

Chuck says:

        • Yes, you can use off-road fuel in an off-road model that is only used off road.

        • This fuel is the same as on road, but it has a red dye added to it.

        • You will pay less tax on this fuel because you are not using county, city, or state roads.

If you need an Ottawa Yard Truck to facilitate your next job, our leasing and sales department can have you off and running in no time. Click here to learn more.  

Do you have an Ottawa truck question you'd like to ask Chuck? Submit your question and we will answer it in a future post. Louisville Switching is proud to be your source for Ottawa information.
