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Louisville Switching Blog

Connect with us on LinkedIn

Posted by Donald Robinson

Aug 30, 2017 10:20:04 AM

When it comes to LinkedIn, we like to put the "social" in social media. LinkedIn is a fantastic tool to connect professionals with one another, to grow your business and expand your network. While other social platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram tend to be a place to interact with friends, relatives, and other social connections, LinkedIn is primarily used for professional purposes setting it apart from the others. Though it is a professional tool, there is still quite an opportunity to build relationships and be social, which we like to take advantage of that! 

Here are Some Benefits of Linkedin:

  1. It's a great showcase of who you are and where you've come from professionally. It's similar to an online resume. For a business, it's a showcasing of what you offer and a great place to share content and what you do. 
  2. The "Featured Skills and Endorsements" section of LinkedIn builds trust and provides opportunities for business growth through proving reliability. When you are endorsed by others with a great reputation, it builds a positive reputation for yourself and showcases your skills and accomplishments. 
  3. When visitors like what they see on your page, they will visit your web page for more information. LinkedIn is a great way to share industry-specific content to draw attention to your trade. Sharing relevant blog posts, articles and events can be a great way to drive traffic to your business. 
  4. Similar to visiting an in-person networking event, LinkedIn can serve as a digital networking opportunity. It's a way to connect with individuals and businesses that can provide further professional opportunities. 
  5. It provides hiring opportunities for businesses and job opportunities for individuals. Businesses can easily post an open position, and view potential applicants. Likewise, LinkedIn is one of the first places one should turn when beginning a job search. 

Tips for LinkedIn Success

We have found quite a bit of success with LinkedIn and we want to share some pointers that helped us along the way. 

  1. Stay up-to-date. Like any social platform, LinkedIn is always updating and changing. It's important that your profile, business page, and any other information stays fresh and current. 
  2. Stay professional. From everything to your photos to your skills, keep it focused on profession and career. Keep personal content to social platforms like Facebook or Twitter.
  3. Don't be afraid to be social. Though it's a professional platform, it's ok to be social. Comment, wish others "Happy Birthday" and interact with your connections. Especially if you are running a business, your page followers want to know that there is a genuine human behind that page. 
  4. It's ok to connect with people you have not met in person. Unlike other social platforms, one of the greatest benefits to Linkedin is being able to connect with people you don't know but that you would like to get connected with.
  5. Establish your brand. From everything on your business page to your cover photos and personal summary, make sure your brand is clear and appealing. If you need help establishing your brand, here is a great read from Forbes. 
If you have not already acquainted with us on LinkedIn- we would love to connect with you! You can follow our company page here or connect with our Founder and President, Don Robinson. Don is legendary for sharing good content, wishing people well on special occasions, and being a unique resource, he is, overall, a great example when utilizing LinkedIn. 
For us in the trucking industry, LinkedIn has been an extremely valuable tool that has led to many lasting business relationships and an expansion in our network. We regularly share blogs and resources for the trucking industry that we hope will be a great resource to keep you in the know and connected. 
