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Louisville Switching Blog

Repairing Your Yard Truck - Even In The Pouring Rain

Posted by Donald Robinson

Sep 18, 2012 2:39:00 PM

We love it when we get feedback from our clients. Most of our clients have the same reaction when our mobile repair vehicles show up on site and are able to fix most of the issues without having to leave to get a tool or part. Our vehicles are stocked with inventory parts for Ottawa and Cummins so there is rarely a time we have to call in "special" orders. The clients are thrilled. They are also blown away by the dedication of our repair team. 

One of our repair teams was on a recent job and was working on an  Ottawa Yard Truck . He was diagnosing and repairing the yard switcher while mother nature was dishing out a torrential downpour. Our client watched as our repair man worked methodically to repair the spotter truck while he was getting soaked head to toe. Our client was so impressed, he snapped a photo of our guy in the middle of the rain while he worked to get the truck up and running.

We know that downtime for our clients is money lost. It is always our objective to get you operational as fast as possible, and sometimes that means we get a little wet. Okay, maybe more than a little wet, but that is how we treat all our clients. We strive to go above and beyond your expectations. If you have photos of our guys working on your yard trucks, send them in. We'd love to post them on our Facebook page because we always love taking time to brag on our team. Thanks for letting us serve you.
