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Louisville Switching Blog

Unveiling the Invincible Ottawa- not really but it sounds fun

Posted by Joel Gerdis

Jun 23, 2010 1:37:00 PM

We told you a few months back about the Invincible Ottawa(It’s able to leap tall buildings in a single bound ). After purchasing the Invincible Ottawa you’ll never need another spotter truck for your business. The helicopter blades on the Invincible Ottawa work great for those tough to reach jobs like mountain tops. The Invincible Ottawa also comes with hover craft functionality. Have a job halfway down the Mississippi? No problem. The dozer tracks and ice chains make any surface negotiable. Thinking about expanding business into the Artic or the Sahara, think no more. No climate is too tough as our Invincible Ottawa comes with a complete HVAC system on the back. Heat Pump and Geo Thermal controls make it easy to take your Ottawa from one end of the globe to the other.

Our upcoming trip to Utah to meet Insta-Chain

Posted by Joel Gerdis

Apr 23, 2010 1:47:00 PM

At this years Mid America Truck Show we had the opportunity to connect with a business that has solved a problem. They solved the problem we deal with every year when it comes to keeping our trucks moving on ice and snow. This particular winter in Louisville and around the country was quite rough. Our trucks often are a key to logistics for our customers. If they aren’t moving things then things aren’t shipping or being sold. We all know if things aren’t being sold we can all hang our sign on the door and call it a day. So our trucks and service is a big key to keeping things moving.

So knowing of this problem the folks at Insta-Chain in Utah came up with a solution. …..

They have automatic ice chains for our trucks. We are heading out to Utah to visit with their team and tour their facilities. We are looking forward to adding …

The Invincible Ottawa

Posted by Joel Gerdis

Apr 23, 2010 1:45:00 PM

All work and no play made Jack a dull boy- right? We take our customer service very serious at Louisville Switching. Our top of the line trucks, parts and responsive service are the lifeblood of what we do. Along the way though you have to have a little fun though. We believe you can have fun and provide great service/great price while doing so.

When we started the website a few months back I casually asked Bryce Raley or Simplified Solutions LLC about putting together a little image for fun. I asked about the costs and we determined it wasn’t worth spending any money on it. Well we managed to squeeze it into the web budget and we’ll share it soon.

Be on the lookout for “The Invincible Ottawa”
